Pages of neighbors and friends!

the sound of a fingernail scraping against teeth

sophiewalten ronnietoss

Useful sites

gifcities -- Big archive of gifs on the internet

web.archive -- An archive of many things that had been uploaded online

gutenberg project -- A huge archive of literature on public domain!

skulls in 3D -- Most important for artists- it lets you show skulls and (their respective) animal images in 3D.

phantom library -- A big source of media (+ reviews) that is based off or inspired by Gaston Leroux' 1909/1910 novel "The Phantom of The Opera"

administrative district of Crossen -- An extensive archive of my grandpa's (RIP 09/05/2022) home county.

moderneopets -- A derivative of original Neopets!

radiooooo -- Discover songs from all over the world from 1900 until now

backgrounds archive -- Nice free backgrounds :)

transparent textures -- What the name says, a great source for transparent textures

doodad -- A collection of online (image) editors. I especially love their dithering tool

Save The Manatee -- Worldwide manatee rescue, rehabilitation, and conservation

Devises héroïques -- An emblem book by Claude Paradin. I love the images, but despite studying French for 5 years, I don't understand Middle French.