November 13, 2023
Hey! It's been a long time since I was able to write a new blog entry. I already missed it, just like in good old times. On the other hand, I think this one will take a lot of my time, because so many things have happened in the last two weeks.
As I've stated in my last entry from October, me and my friend Knödel visited our friend Neit for a couple of days. Knödel and I both shared a hotel room and met up with our other friend during the day. Actually, it was supposed to rain the whole time, but we were extremely lucky and it just drizzled a bit during our first evening. We ate dinner in a dog café and had world's worst vegan spinach lasagna. Somewhat dry and not seasoned at all. Neit and I poured huge amounts of salt on it to make it taste like anything. But the dogs were very cute!
On the second day we went to a huge park in the middle of the city. By cable car!

The park is surrounded by large panel system-buildings from all sides.

The aforementioned sheep! And on the right, the Japanese garden, I think.
On the next day, we had to spend the day in Neit's hood, because she had to take her grandma's dog with her, that she's caring for for some weeks. We went to a local park where we played Uno and tried to

That's Neit's grandma's dog. She is a total sweetheart and won't leave you alone, because she wants to be petted 24/7. I would've stolen her if it was possible for me to keep another dog right now.
Now, to explain why I wasn't active at all on here: Some days into my training, my friend Razz visited me, because I got us tickets for a concert of his favorite band, The Darkness. I personally don't actively listen to them, but the concert was great! They had an awesome energy on stage and singer Justin Hawkins performed like wild, despite injuring his ribcage a day prior to the concert.

We had a great view of the stage. My left ear felt a bit deaf for one or two days, but that was ok, given the great performance.
Our evenings were mostly spent with eating at restaurants and watching youtube videos and some other stuff at home. So, no time to operate a computer. x)
Last Friday, I finally got the certificate from my training. I still have some days off, but I hope that I can - at least part time - work in "pain management" at work one day.
I spent yesterday doing all the chores that accumulated over the last one or two weeks and went to the dentist and to my hairdresser today. Day well spent and I feel as if I finally gain back some of my energy.