September 27, 2023
Man, time flies! I was too exhausted to do anything slightly productive, because I worked the last few days. It drains my energy and makes me lazy.
I've had a rather pleasant day today. I needed to drive to my doctor- a specialist, who is at least a 30 min car drive away from me. Today it took me nearly an hour to get there, because of a traffic jam and because there are construction sites EVERYWHERE in the city. I still wonder whether I should ask my fellow doctor colleagues (of a discipline which could technically treat my condition), but I'm too shy to talk about that issue. On one side I like all of the docs and I wouldn't need to drive far, but on the other side I think I wouldn't like to be my colleagues' patient?
After my appointment I treated myself with food from my favorite Chinese restaurant, which is very close to the doctor's office. And it was delicious as always. :3
September 22, 2023
It's my birthday today! I don't like big celebrations, so I just spent some time at my parents'. I got some nice gifts, but having a good time and one of my favorite foods are the best gifts I can ask for. My parents made me pho soup, which I can only wish for on my birthday, because it takes a long time of preparation and cooking.

All ingredients on the table! Minus the broth itself, which was still cooking.
Yesterday I also worked a bit on decorating my office/guest room. That's the one place in my apartment where I allow myself to indulge in rather nerdy decoration. I've had several artworks I procrastinated to put on my wall, but yesterday they finally found their place.
Also, I've finally seperated my blog posts by month and I intend to continue doing that. I found, that it takes much longer time to load image-heavy pages here.
September 20, 2023
Hmm, I'm just trying to get my head free right now. I'm waiting for my Sims 4 to update and then load again. It takes a long time, because I have so so many mods installed! I feel kind of down because of personal reasons so I'm trying to distract myself. Coding and building houses in Sims are the best kinds of distraction for me, I could basically do that for hours on end.
I've finally begun stretching my septum piercing today! I managed to stretch from 16g (I actually thought my previous piercing was 18g? But obviously the hole has gotten rather loose over the time lol) to 14g, because this material size offers bigger diameters. It definitely looks better in my face. :)
My birthday will be in two days and I don't know how to feel about it. I feel very stressed and tired and I don't like getting older in general. On the other hand, I'll be happy to spend time with my parents that day and with my brother's family on Sunday.
I think, one of these days I'll sort my blog entries by month. Slowly I'm getting the hang of writing more and it's becoming a fun and cathartic activity. :)
September 15, 2023
There's nothing much to say these days! My mom caught a cold, and I think I've caught one, too, becauses I haven't felt too well the past week. I still don't feel too good, but I'm hanging on.
I just have to work another day until I'll have a whole week off for my birthday.
I play lots of Starfield nowadays. It almost feels like home to me, because New Vegas is one of my favorite games, and it partially feels like it. It just doesn't have the radio, but things like grav jumps instead.
Regarding my last blog entry, my friends and I are very optimistic towards February. There'll be (if everything goes right) at least 6 of us who will travel to this convention! I'll definitely know my vacation times by end of October or November, so please keep your fingers crossed for me. :P It will probably go through, because I don't know any colleague who wants to take their holidays in February.
Also, the next few months I'll try to stretch my septum piercing. I'm just sick of it having the thinnest material thickness and also, as a result, the smallest diameters. It just looks stupid on my face. x) I couldn't find much information on how to do it. I hope the stuff I could find will be good enough.
September 07, 2023
Today my friend and I have departed from the aforementioned convention. Seems like we still could prepare for it, somehow, because we bought lots of plastic cups and wine glasses, balloons, glow sticks, cheap tetra pak wine, and snacks. The important stuff. :P I also brought Cards Against Humanity with me, which we played one afternoon.
It was so great to see our friends who we haven't seen in a long time, and meet other people, for example one person I've known for at least 15 years!
It was the first time, this convention has been in my hometown. I hope they won't move their venue again, because it's easier for most of my friends to get there. Plus, it has a huge plaza and a beautiful park nearby.

A view of the beautiful Japanese garden near the convention center.

My friend is on the left, wearing a fursuit of his Doberman fursona Eli. I'm on the right wearing a suit of my Wolverine fursona Dion.
Both suits were made by our mutual friend: LMNSV