July 13, 2023
Tomorrow, Andras and I will try to get tickets for a Depeche Mode concert in my hometown. They actually had a presale today, in which he was able to participate, but he couldn't score any tickets. The website broke down and showed him error messages, and when it was possible to buy tickets they would've cost about 330 each. And that would've been a bit too expensive for us. XD
We've already seen them during their current tour, but our seats were so far in the back, that the stage and everybody on it looked like a tiny stage for ants. The atmosphere, though, was magical, as almost everybody seemed to know the words to their most popular songs. That's something I haven't experienced on any other concert I've been to so far.

We were faaar away from the stage.
I can't help, but recommend some of my favorite songs here:
New Life, Photographic, Ice Machine, Leave in Silence, Nothing to Fear, The Sun and the Rainfall, Love, In Itself, Everything Counts, Stories of Old, Blasphemous Rumours, Black Celebration, Stripped, Shake The Disease, Never Let Me Down Again, Strangelove, World In My Eyes, Halo, Policy Of Truth, Walking In My Shoes, Barrel Of A Gun, Freestate, A Pain That I'm Used To, John The Revelator, In Chains, Wrong, In Sympathy, Going Backwards.
Well, these are more songs than I expected, but I love this band so much. In fact, I try to refrain from naming too many songs LOL.
I will try for tickets in a different presale tomorrow before work... Hopefully we will be lucky this time! I think I will update this entry later how it went... Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Edit, July 15: We couldn't score any tickets on Friday, either. Andras, 4 of his colleagues and I tried to get some for us, but it just wasn't possible. I'm also somewhat disappointed that DM didn't announce extra concerts in my hometown, but for two cities where they'll already play twice. But what can you do? I try not to be too disappointed.
We'll try for tickets next Monday again during the beginning of the regular sale, but if I'm not successful I'll at least save some money.