February 07, 2024
Hey, here I am with some updates from my life again.
I pretty much fail at motivating myself to do anything these days and that's the reason why I'm rather inactive right now. If I remember all the things that have happened this entry could become rather long.
I had an appointment at my psychiatrist today. I have to come by several times a year, so these appointments feel rather like an unpleasant routine. I said that I can't bring myself to do anything these days and we've come to the conclusion that it might be seasonal depression (on top of my already consisting conditions). I hope that my motivation will return to its normal, albeit decrepit when compared to other people's standards, state again.
Randi didn't feel too good the past days. She vomited several times and seemed as if she had trouble to pass water. My parents thankfully went to their vet and she received an injection against nausea(?), a med like PPI for dogs, and my parents were to collect her urine. They managed to do so some days after their vet appointment and it turns out, she has an UTI. She gets antibiotics against it and I hope it will work out.
Next week I'll start another training for dementia/delirium awareness and prophylaxis. I'd actually have holidays from next Monday on, but one of my colleagues already participated in this training and gushed about how good it is, so I said, screw it, I'll do it as well! I'll actually go on vacation the week after the training, after all. I'm pretty much looking forward it, but I still couldn't find out where I'm supposed to be? It will be somewhere in my hospital, but the instructions are very confusing.
Last month, I've also finally drawn a new picture!! It is to be found in my gallery. It's supposed to be a door sign for a convention at which Andras and I will be participating. I even planned to let the picture be printed, so this whole process to plan a picture for printing was a first for me. :3 It all worked out great, because the prints turned out perfectly! I can't wait to bring them to the hotel where we'll be staying at.
Talking about said convention, I also bought perfect matching hats for us.

Honey, we're going to Sweden!