This website is a work in progress. Nothing much to see here yet. I hope inspiration will strike me some time.
Plans for this website include so far:
> Finishing all the pages. Self explanatory :)
> I still need to decide whether I want to include links in my contact page or make another separate page.
> My "fun stuff" page will include test results (the ones from below), picrew pictures, blinkies, stamps, information about some of my characters, music recommendations, my perfume collection + some reviews
> Embedding more pictures
> Making an intro page, and an archive maybe?
> Seperating design and content! Damn, I once was able to do that, but I've gotten sooo rusty in web design Yes! I finally made it! It was hard enough.
Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their "dumpy" appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles.